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Quiz statistics
We're all about transparency here at QuizAdvice. Therefore we want to highlight some statistics related to this quiz. All statistics are 100% anonymous.
8% are allergic to silver or nickel
8.56% of everyone who answered this question said they are allergic to either silver or nickel when it comes to jewelry.
Only 2% say they prefer bold or chunky pieces
"Which type of jewelry do you prefer?" - was the question we asked. Only 1.8% said they prefer bold or chunky jewelry. While 59% said they prefer smaller and more delicate pieces. 38% said they like both and do not a preference.
Almost half prefer natural tones like black and white
We asked: Which color jewelry do you prefer?. Almost half (49%) said they like black or white. 35% said they like cool tones like blue and green. While only 16% said they prefer warmer tones like red and orange.