Why am I still single quiz

Quiz results: Why am I still single?

This quiz explores personal preferences, lifestyle habits, and self-perception to help shed light on why someone might still be single. Reflecting on relationship history, social habits, and life focus provides insights into personal choices and circumstances impacting relationship status.

What's the longest relationship you've been in?

A large proportion (71.43%) of respondents have been in relationships lasting less than a year, suggesting limited long-term experience, which might affect their current single status. Meanwhile, 19.05% have experienced relationships lasting 1-3 years, and smaller groups report 4-6 years (4.76%) or more than 10 years (4.76%), indicating varied relationship encounters.

What do you like to do after a long day of work/school?

Many enjoy relaxing activities, with 42.86% choosing to watch TV or Netflix, and 23.81% staying home to read or check social media, indicating comfort in solo activities. Others continue with work or studies (19.05%), possibly limiting social life. Engaging with friends (14.29%) could provide opportunities for dating but is less common here.

What's a perfect first date for you?

Preferences for first dates vary, with 30% each opting for coffee dates and active activities like bowling or hiking. A romantic restaurant and walk appeal to 25%, while 15% prefer a cinema outing. These diverse preferences reflect individual dating styles which can influence dating opportunities and outcomes.

What are you most focused on in your life right now?

Work or school is the primary focus for 42.11%, indicating a strong professional or academic drive that might limit time for dating. Family and friends (21.05%) and "other" priorities (21.05%) also play significant roles. Only 5.26% are focused on finding the right partner, suggesting possible reasons for remaining single.

How would you describe yourself?

A notable 52.63% identify as introverted, potentially preferring personal time over social activities, affecting relationship opportunities. Others describe themselves as kind and gentle (15.79%), shy and reserved (10.53%), or extroverted (10.53%), offering varied perspectives that influence dating dynamics. A perfectionist (5.26%) or a wild heart (5.26%) might look for specific qualities in partners, affecting availability.

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